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The web needs “XML: The Good Parts”
There is a future where declarative web applications will make lives of developers much better, but only if together we start learning from the past and stop pretending things don't need to get more complex before they get easier. Read all...
Prevent default behavior with ixsl: event modes
The other day I was adding mouse wheel zooming to the 3D graph demo, and now Frameless supports ev:defaultAction="cancel". Read all...
XSLT for hipsters, or how to win the demojam
For this year's demojam at XML Prague I rendered a chart from the website using Frameless, my XSLT 2.0 engine for the web. I won. Read all...
<?xml-stylesheet for XSLT 2.0 in the browser
Frameless will also be made available as frameless.xsl. Read all...
QName in JavaScript
While I wanted to support these namespaced output methods as well, I didn't feel like cluttering existing code with namespace checks. Read all...
Robbert has a blog!
This day had to come. I've been putting off my first blog post since 2004. Read all...